Africa Arise has a spunky new music video! Suzanna Lubrano’s 2021 hit seeing new life!
June 10 2022
Suzanna Lubrano has become a household name in certain circles. If you’ve attended her recent string of live shows or seen the adventures on her Instagram, you’d probably get an impression that would stick in your head for weeks to come! Well we’re bringing news that will help flesh out that impression even further, and maybe even cause uncertain viewers to realise that she could be one of the coolest artists in recent memory!
In late 2021, Suzanna released Africa Arise, a story to all the African brothers and sisters across the world, talking about the glorious culture they come from, and how deep their roots travel. Well, that track now has a brand new music video to go with it! Check it out down the bottom of the page.
This one is definitely some classic energetic Suzanna. The beat will get you up off your feet in seconds, the rhythm infecting your body and making you dance like you never thought possible! So don’t deny it… shake it! The dancers in the video certainly have the right idea about that, and they’re as authentic as you could possibly hope. The raw talent and enthusiasm they exude is hypnotic, and you can’t help but want to join them! Scientists theorise that before we could talk, we would sing. This is because emotions are easily communicated through rhythm, and of course, dance would play a large factor in that. So when you see Suzanna and her party crew living it up in this vid, it really helps put you in the moment with them, and we love it! Get this music video out to all your friends, especially those of African descent, and expand the party as far as it can go! No matter who you are, you can find a rhythm to dance to in this stunning single.
But in case you’ve been living under a rock, you might be wondering who Suzanna is in the first place.
Through the power of streaming we can answer that – and so can you! Introduce a friend into the craze today via Suzanna’s Spotify profiles! That’s the next best thing after a fresh new music vid. Suzanna has been putting a ton of hard work and soul into her catalogue over the years, and it shows. If you have a listen to some of her hits, we’re sure Suzanna will be “loving you forever” just like her famous song used in our DJ Central promos!
Book Suzanna Lubrano via!
And to check out even more of Suzanna, check out these official links below!
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