Would you like to get your Music Video distributed across one of the largest video networks in the world today?
- Get access to over 60 video distribution networks and growing across the globe right now.
- Monetize your music video through advertising and streaming royalties that are generated on your video by these networks.
- Full turnkey video distribution solution. We do all the work, you get the exposure and make some royalties on your video.
- Access to the DJ Central TV Global EDM Music Show syndicated worldwide. We will feature selected videos in the show.

The DJ Central Network:
Get your Music Video seen across our 60 + stores, channels, and networks:
What Are My Music Video rights?
You retain full creative control of your copyrights and enjoy the benefits of our infrastructure, partner networks and rights management services.
Music Video Licensing
All music videos require a non-exclusive distribution license to be signed by both the artist and the label.
Music Rights Management
We manage music rights via our partner Ordior.
Access royalty reports via a transparent console located at www.bluepiedata.com
The DJ Central TV Show Syndication Partners DJ Central’s syndication partners include a diverse range of platforms such as television networks, streaming services, online channels, film and television partners. Through syndication agreements, we extend the reach of YOUR music video to a vast and broader audience whilst ensuring fair distribution and revenue-sharing arrangements are maintained always.

Our Rights Manager Partner is:

Ordior works with these Rights Management Partners To Protect Your Copyrights:

The DJ Central TV Active Music Distribution Network, Partners + Channels:
We provide you access to over 600 + music distribution networks and services.
What does it cost to get started?
- There is no upfront charge for your music video to be assessed and submitted to our international networks.
- Our cost is USD $330 which is recouped from income generated.

Want to get started?
- Complete the inquiry form here.
- We will review your video.
- If your music video is accepted for distribution across our networks, a license will be sent to you for signature.
- We will provide you with a link to submit the music video via Dropbox.
- A non-exclusive Video License will be sent to you for signature.
- Deliverables include an MP4 version of your music video in HD Format at 1080p.
- We need a short artist bio, artist stills, and information for social media promotion.

How Long Does It Take?
- It takes up to 90 days for us to ingest your video and submit it to our networks.
- Once the video has been ingested, we will send you copies of links to the video so you can promote them across your socials.
What is Included?
Once your music video is approved we will:
- Send you a non-exclusive license to distribute your music video and audio for inclusion in compilation albums.
- Distribute your music video to our 60+ video partner networks.
- Include the music video in DJ Central TV’s globally syndicated show available in Europe, North America, South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
- Generate artist spotlights in our global music media social media network including the DJ Central TV, Ordior, and Blue Pie Records social media feeds.
Videos that promote violence, drug use, and anti-social issues and are political in nature will not be selected due to the content moderation requirements and legal demands of the various networks they DJ Central provides content.